media mogul enterprises
a consultancy

MME frameworks:
The Digital Mindset (book)
The Magic Formula of Steve Jobs (book)
MediaMogulNomics (website)

business units in the following industries:
MME Media Hub  *  MME Space  *  MME AI 

reBrand 4 businesses  *  ingleyPriceToWin  *  Media Mogul Press



Mission Possible

Welcome to a brave new digital world — where AI and the many emerging technologies change the rules of the game. New strategies for businesses are the key to winning in this highly competitive arena. Taking on a new outlook is a powerful steps in the many moves necessary in this new world.

A big shift this brave new digital world brings is the blurring of boundaries among the many disruptive technologies that are all developing at the same time. That means the concept of “mix and match” will play a significant role, now and in the future.

Disrupt or Be Disrupted

In this new environment, clear, bold and concise strategies are demanded although one key principle must be kept in mind:

Any company can unlock its boundless potential by leveraging the limitless information now available.

Be Transformed

Media Mogul Enterprises helps companies unlock this boundless potential. MME provides consulting and in-house seminars that teach these new techniques as well as helping companies build unique digital strategies that incorporate the changes that an AI world brings, using  a unique foundation of books and frameworks.

Unique Foundation: Books and Frameworks

 The Digital Mindset (book) with its digital mindset principles, digital mindset toolbox, digital trends and the digital game is part of the foundation used by MME.  Other foundational components include: The Magic Formula of Steve Jobs (book) and MediaMogulNomics (framework).


New Media Mogul

The new media mogul: It’s a powerful person – you! — in charge of vast amounts of information and the technology to manage and share it. The new media mogul operates in the work environment as well as at home.


Media Mogul Enterprise

A company is a media mogul enterprise if it is filled with staff that are new media moguls at work and at home.

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